... But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:11b
For political candidates name recognition is a good thing. For consumer products brand recognition is also a good thing. That's because, all things being equal, most people will vote for, or pick a product, whose name is familiar.
This takes us to the name Elizabeth Gallagher.
To the best of my knowledge none of our Daily Devotion readers are named Elizabeth Gallagher. Still, if you had that name, and if you had a valid Canadian passport, and nothing to do over Christmas, I have a deal for you.
It seems Jordan Axani of Toronto is offering an Elizabeth Gallagher a free trip around the world.
Allow me to explain: this Christmas Axani had planned to take his girlfriend, Elizabeth Gallagher, on a trip around the world. It was designed to be the trip of a lifetime. Indeed, it would have been just that if it were not for one teeny, tiny problem: Axani and Gallagher broke up ... after the tickets had been paid for ... when there was no refund or name change possible.
So now Axani has all these tickets and reservations with the name Elizabeth Gallagher on them.
Now Axani could take the tickets and throw them in the garbage, or he could see if some Canadian lady -- a lady with the name Elizabeth Gallagher -- would like to travel with him. No strings attached. No expectations. As Axani says, "My primary concern is just making sure that someone finds a good amount of happiness enjoying the trip."
Wow! The whole world is going to open up for somebody just because she has the right name.
Sounds like a deal too good to be true? Let me assure you it is not. Because of my name I have been given a deal that is better than anything any Elizabeth Gallagher will ever get. Understand, I'm not speaking about my name: Kenneth Klaus. I'm speaking about my other name: the name which says, along with hundreds of millions of other people, I am a Christian.
And when you are a Christian, you know that this name brings with it a great many benefits.
Those benefits begin with the Lord who felt sorry for lost and damned humanity. To rescue us, Jesus was born into this world. While here He did all that was necessary for Christians to be forgiven of their sin. Yes, throughout His perfect life, by His innocent suffering, His unfair death, and His glorious resurrection, Jesus has taken away all our sins and their punishment.
And now, through the Holy Spirit, He calls us to faith and says, "Come with Me to the mansions I have prepared. Come with Me to that place where tears and sorrow are banished. Come with Me on the best of trips -- the trip to paradise that will never end" (cf. John 14:1-7).
Oh, lest I forget, it is a trip which has room for more, if they have the right Name.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, I give thanks I am a Christian. Because of what Jesus has done, my sins are forgiven, and I am free from the Law's condemnation. May I do my best to share what the Savior has accomplished so others may be brought to faith and given the Name that saves. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: Ezekiel 8-10 1 Timothy 5
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