(Jesus said) "When they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say." Luke 12:11-12
Coming from Chicago, I was pleasantly surprised to hear the Windy City's alderman, "Joe" Moreno, be so honest.
Recently, he told the Chicago Tribune he was going to block the permit for a Chick-fil-A restaurant to open in his ward. He said this because that family-owned company's president had recently come out against same-sex marriage. Now you should know that Chick-fil-A has said it treats "every person with honor, dignity, and respect -- regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation, or gender."
Now here's where it gets interesting and Moreno got honest. When asked if he felt Chick-fil-A might sue him, he dismissed the question by saying, "There are well-documented traffic and congestion issues in the Logan Square neighborhood that he could raise to justify his decision."
In short, Moreno is saying that if Chick-fil-A comes out in favor of homosexual marriages they get a permit, and if they stand fast on their principles, Moreno is going to find a way to stop them.
Wouldn't it have been better for Moreno to let the restaurant open and have his constituency boycott the establishment if they disagree with the president of Chick-fil-A? Instead, Moreno, in support of a moral issue which is not the law, has used his position to toss out an individual's freedom of religion and freedom of speech which is the law.
Sadly, this kind of thing is happening more and more, and this kind of thing is the thing about which Jesus warned when He walked among us. He knew that those who stand for Him, who try to live a life which glorifies Him for His sacrifice, would be taken before state and religious authorities. He knew that Christians would be called upon to compromise, would even worry about what they should say in defense of the Christ.
Jesus knew and He assured us the Holy Spirit would guide us.
It's an assurance the college student, the businessman, and the homemaker need to remember as they find themselves facing various challenges. We need to remember that when the world places us in a situation where our faith is challenged, the Holy Spirit will place in us the words to proclaim the Savior.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, we often pray for those in foreign lands who are being persecuted for their faith in You and what they consider to be right. Today we remember all those we know who are finding the world wants them to deny the Redeemer. Send Your Holy Spirit upon them, so they may stand fast -- and upon us -- so they may know they are not alone. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: Psalms 133-135 1 Corinthians 2
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