For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them. ... Romans 12:4-6a
Do you believe in Superman?
I do. Superman's name is Norman Varga and he lives in Hungary.
No, Varga is not faster than a speeding bullet; he is not more powerful than a locomotive, and he most certainly can't leap a tall building with a single bound. On the other hand, Norman Varga is a superman.
Varga, a former cage fighter, has founded and runs a foundation in Budapest. The purpose of his foundation is designed to help young people develop a healthy lifestyle and format and reach their goals in education, science and art.
That's not the "superman" part. The superman part is this: to call attention to his foundation, Norman Varga is planning to run 50 marathons in 50 days. That's right. He will run some 1,240 miles in Slovakia, Austria, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands. Fifty marathons in 50 days. His last marathon will be in London on July 27th.
I couldn't do it. Most of you couldn't do it either. (Yes, I know. Most of you wouldn't want to find out, if you could do it.)
This is just one more way we are reminded the Lord gives different gifts to people.
Indeed, He gives those gifts which are necessary for His people to accomplish the goals and purposes for which the church was established. In His wisdom the Heavenly Father knew the church needed people who could plan and those who could make those plans a reality. He needed evangelists to foreign lands and those who would support those evangelists. He needed teachers who could deal with pre-schoolers and those who could reach sophisticated college students. He needed folks who would write songs of praise and those who could sing those songs.
In many and various ways the Lord has told us to share the story of salvation that comes from Jesus' life, suffering, death and resurrection. Now He has given the gifts to make that sharing a reality.
The only question remaining is this: are you using your God-given gift? Are you giving thanks for your salvation, which is Jesus' sacrificial gift to you?
If not, stop by your church office and ask your pastor to help you identify and use those gifts. Even more, let him know you're ready to use your gifts, and ask him to put you to work.
Or ... call Lutheran Hour Ministries. We'll be glad to help you use your gifts, too.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, You have saved me and You have given me gifts by which I can give thanks and share the Savior's story. Please help me use those gifts and never shirk them. In Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: Proverbs 27-29 Acts 5:1-21
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