God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. . . John 3: 16a
Every year, the post office in North Pole, Alaska, gets flooded with over 100,000 letters – letters that are addressed to Santa.
Many of those little epistles express the innermost thoughts of a child who is sharing his heart’s desires with Santa, a dear friend. A few years ago, one of the letters came in which said, "Dear Santa Claus, last year I got a baby brother instead of the bike I asked for. Is it possible you got mixed up and some other boy, who wanted a brother, got my bike? I know you're getting older, so I understand if you got mixed up. You should know that Mom and Dad have decided to keep my brother, but, try to remember, I would still like a bike."
Like the little boy, most of us receive presents at Christmas, which are not exactly what we want or need. Those gifts end up getting returned or put on a shelf to be forgotten until the time of spring-cleaning.
If that sounds at all familiar, I'm pleased to report this year, our heavenly Father is giving you a Present which you really need: a Savior, Christ the Lord.
Jesus won’t be coming wrapped in bright paper bows; no, He’ll be wrapped in swaddling clothes. Nor is He a new Present, He has been around a lot longer than this world. Even so, Jesus is exactly what every one of us in this tired, old, world needs.
Jesus is one Present who shouldn't be declined or put on the shelf.
From a devotion originally written for "By the Way"
THE PRAYER: Dear heavenly Father, thank You for giving me the Gift I need –a Gift I should want more than anything else. Fill my life with appreciation for Your Gift, my Savior and Lord, Jesus. In His Name. Amen.
In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour®
Lutheran Hour Ministries
Today's Bible Readings: Esther 6-8 Revelation 13
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