But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
Today is Good Friday. Today, I remember the Savior who showed His love by dying for a sinner like me.
It is true that I didn’t fall asleep as the disciples did in the Garden of Gethsemane, but it is also true that there have been many times when I have promised to pray for someone and didn’t, or when my mind wandered at Sunday worship as the pastor prayed for those who had a special need of body or soul.
Today is Good Friday. Today, I remember the Savior who showed His love by dying for a sinner like me.
It is true that my lips never betrayed the Savior with a kiss as did Judas, but it is equally true there have been many times when I spoke unkindly about those who needed to be built up, revealed the personal confidence of a friend, or spoke the Lord’s name with a curse and not in praise.
Today is Good Friday. Today, I remember the Savior who showed His love by dying for a sinner like me.
It is true that I didn’t call for the Savior’s crucifixion, as did the mob outside Pilate’s palace, but I must confess that I kept silent when injustice was being done. I must admit to those moments when my voice was stilled when it should have shared the Savior.
Today is Good Friday. Today, I remember the Savior who showed His love by dying for a sinner like me.
It is true that I did not wield the hammer and nails at Christ’s crucifixion as did the Roman soldiers, but it is also true that my hands have not reached out to those who were in desperate need. I have not worked to help those who had no one to turn to and no one to count on.
Today is Good Friday. Today, I remember the Savior who showed His love by dying for a sinner like me.
Today, and every day, I must confess that I have not wept at the sight of Jesus’ suffering as did the women of Jerusalem. I must admit that I have not faithfully stood at the foot of the cross, as did Jesus’ mother and friends. I must acknowledge that I have neither defended the innocence of my Lord, as did the thief who hung by His side, nor have I made confession of my faith, as did the centurion at the foot of the cross.
Today is Good Friday, and in my confession, I rejoice that the Savior offers complete forgiveness to a sinner like me.
THE PRAYER OF BLESSING: By the Spirit’s direction, St. Paul wrote this word of blessing to the Christians at Colossae. Because of the Savior, may they be words for your heart. “May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:11-14) In Jesus' name. Amen.
Today's Bible Readings: Joshua 1-3 Luke 9:1-17
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