"You are the light of the world." Matthew 5:14
As I drove down the highway, I saw a sign: "Caution -- Men at Work" It meant, "Watch out. Things are happening here, men are working, and improvements are being made. Watch out for equipment."
And I thought: Could this be said about my church? Could we put up a sign on the front lawn that says, "Caution -- Saints at Work"? Are things happening here? Are saints working? Are improvements being made? Could I put up a sign like that in front of my house?
And I asked myself: Would it be a good thing if every Christian were just like me? If all the members of my congregation were as strong or as weak as I am, where would we be? If I should drop out of life today, would there be any great difference in the holy Christian church or even in my congregation? How much do I help my fellow members to be better Christians? How much do I draw others to Christ by my good example day after day?
The things I say and do, the way I say and do them -- this must give away the fact that I belong to God, that the living and saving Christ dwells in me. The kind of neighbor I am, the way I spend my time and money, the way I raise my children -- all this shows God's light in me.
PRAYER: Lord, let Your light shine in me, as it has in all your saints before me, so others may be drawn to You; for Jesus' sake. Amen.
(Devotions from "The Abundant Life" copyright 1998, CPH. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be printed, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of Concordia Publishing House. Permission is granted for one-time e-mailing of this link to a friend. For information on other devotional material, please contact CPH at 800-325-3040 or visit CPH at www.cph.org.)
Today's Bible Readings: 2 Chronicles 10-12 2 Corinthians 3
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