And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 2 Corinthians 5:15
As presented on *The Lutheran Hour® by Dr. Oswald Hoffmann, April 15, 1957.
Jesus Christ gave Himself away. He was prompted to give Himself away not out of self-interest—no man ever forgot himself so completely in the process—but rather because of that deep feeling of personal attachment, which St. Paul called “love.”
Christ was for all people. When He died, He died for all. His hand reaches out to all, and His loving face seeks response from everyone into whose eyes He has looked. People of every condition, class, and color are the target of His love and concern. Good people, decent and law-abiding people like St. Paul himself, experienced His love. So did immoral people like the woman taken in adultery.
Christ wants you to give yourself away just as wholeheartedly and just as unselfishly as He gave Himself away for you. He wants you to dedicate yourself wholly to His purpose.
I know that this is possible because I have seen men and women who have responded to the great, mysterious, incomparable love of Christ with a love and gratitude and appreciation which would not let them stop short of giving themselves away. They are the kind of people who have power to change the world. The whole course of their lives has been changed because the love of Christ has taken hold of their hearts.
Martin Luther was one of these people. He once said, “If anyone would knock at the door of my heart and ask ‘Who lives here?’ I would answer, ‘Martin Luther once lived here, but Martin Luther has moved out and Jesus Christ has moved in.’”
Heavenly Father, make us new. Help us trust in Your goodness and joyfully serve You with our whole hearts. Amen.
Taken from A Message of Hope: Proclaiming the Cross (selections from messages broadcast on *The Lutheran Hour, celebrating 75 years of proclaiming the promise).
Copyright © 2006 by Lutheran Hour Ministries
*The Lutheran Hour is the longest-running Christian radio broadcast in the world. It is a production of Lutheran Hour Ministries. For more information, visit
Today's Bible Readings: Leviticus 23-24 Mark 10:32-52
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