"If You are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Matthew 4:3
"If You are the Son of God" -- this was Satan's ultimate weapon against Jesus. There was no doubt about the nature of this weapon. It was intended to separate Jesus from His Father and to leave Him defenseless for the final kill.
We do well to take note of this assault against Jesus. For in that He was tempted, we are all tempted. In that moment our dreadful accuser seeks to bring us under divine judgment. The evil we have done, the goodness we have attempted but never achieved, the virtues we have imagined but not carried out -- all these arise to condemn us. But in the very moment when all seems lost, our Lord stands in our place. He is God's man for us; He is the faithful and obedient Son in whom we are judged to be faithful and obedient children of God, for He obeys, suffers, and dies for us.
Saint Paul concludes: "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus " (Romans 8:1). We are no longer separated from our Father. Reconciliation and peace with God belong to us. No ifs or buts remain. There is only this good news: "We are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs -- heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ' (Romans 8:16-17). Tempted with Christ, we have also conquered with Him.
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, for making us sons of God. Amen.
(Taken from "Words of Promise," copyright 1996 (out of print), Concordia Publishing House. For information on other devotional materials, call 1-800-325-3040.)
Today's Bible Readings: Micah 6-7 Acts 22
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