Psalm 91:10 "No harm will befall you."
When someone is not much help, people might say sarcastically, "Well, thanks for nothing!" The comment draws attention to the failures of another.
In a positive way, however, we can thank God for nothing. When we think of all the troubles that exist in the world, as we contemplate all the diseases and afflictions that face humanity, while we hear of all the persecutions against religious faiths around the globe, we should pray to God and say, "Thank You, Lord, for keeping me safe."
God has three ways to keep us safe from all harm and danger in life. First, He pushes many troubles and dangers away from us so that we don't even come into contact with them. Second, He turns evil into good. We can in all truth affirm that God uses everything for some good. Third, Christ promises to lift us out of this vale of tears into heaven. This assurance comes through faith in Jesus Christ, who died to take away our sin. He rose from the dead on the third day and ascended to heaven to prepare a place for us. Therefore we pray with trusting hearts, "Lord, thanks for everything!"
PRAYER: God, thank You for keeping us from all harm and danger and for guarding us against evil. Amen.
(Taken from "Words of Promise," copyright 1996, Concordia Publishing House (out of print). For information on other devotional materials, call 1-800-325-3040.)
Today's Bible Readings: Psalms 4-6 John 7:1-27
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