Psalm 143:6 "I spread out my hands to You; my soul thirsts for You like a parched land."
This verse reminds me that Jesus spread His hands to be nailed to the cross. In the Gospels, we find the last words of Jesus from the cross (Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34, Luke 23: 34, 43 & 46, and John 19:26-30). One of the last things He said was "I thirst."
In this world turned dry, dusty, and parched by sin, our souls thirst for God. We seek answers to our problems. We try to understand the emptiness that, at times, consumes us.
Jesus once called Himself the "Living Water" (John 4:1-26). He knows our thirst and gives us to drink of the Living Water from heaven, Himself.
"How much can He love me?" you ask.
He answers, "This much."
And He spreads His arms wide … as they are nailed to a cross and He dies for you.
Today's Bible Readings: Judges 11-12 Luke 14:25-35
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