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About Us

The LHM Mission:

Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church

LHM Overview

Lutheran Hour Ministries is a global mission organization that shares Christ’s love in more than 60 countries, often bringing His message of hope to places where no other Christian organizations are present. People around the world experience the Gospel through LHM programs, services, or materials nearly 235 million times each week. LHM’s flagship ministry, The Lutheran Hour®, airs weekly on more than 1,700 radio stations throughout North America, in addition to being available online, as a podcast, on the American Forces Network, and on platforms such as Amazon Alexa, iHeartRadio, Spotify, and Sirius XM satellite radio.

We encourage those people who are reached through these ministry efforts to respond by contacting staff or volunteers. LHM then cultivates relationships with those who respond to ultimately facilitate a relationship between them and a Christian community, thus helping grow the kingdom of God.

Our Impact

  • People around the world experience the Gospel through LHM programs, services, or materials nearly 235 million times each week.


  • Nearly 300 staff members on the ground in more than 35 locations create culturally relevant programs and resources that allow LHM to share the Gospel with people in more than 60 countries around the world.


  • The Lutheran Hour airs on more than 1,700 radio stations throughout North America each week.


  • People intentionally provided contact information for follow up more than 1.95 million times last year in response to LHM’s culturally relevant outreach efforts.


  • LHM referred people to local churches and Christian communities for spiritual growth and nurturing more than 265,000 times last year.


  • More than 66,000 individuals participated for the first time last year in Bible Correspondence Courses offered by LHM ministry centers around the world.


  • Individuals completed an LHM ministry activity nearly 420,000 times last year that equipped them to share their faith more effectively.


  • Around 365,000 individuals are actively connected to LHM through its resources or the sharing of their time, talent, or treasure in support of the organizational mission.


It is God’s mission to rescue people who have become separated from Him, restore relationships with them and renew them for holy living and service to others. His message is simple: rescue, restoration and renewal are found only in Jesus.

In a world now characterized by dizzying change, God has called the Church to join Him in His mission and challenged it to make His message of hope known in today’s post-Christian culture.

At Lutheran Hour Ministries, we want to be your partner in calling back the lost and hurting—back to the Church; back to forgiveness and grace; back to God and His Word.

We have made it our mission to encourage and support you as you respond to God’s call to action. While you may know us because of our flagship radio ministry, The Lutheran Hour, we invite you to take advantage of everything that Lutheran Hour Ministries offers for discipleship and outreach: evangelism training events and resources; opportunities for hands-on international outreach; resource media and materials for men’s ministry; mission resources for children and schools; and much more.

The International Lutheran Laymen’s League and LHM

The International Lutheran Laymen’s League and Lutheran Hour Ministries are the same organization. The official organization name is the International Lutheran Laymen’s League and the ministry of the organization is currently expressed through a wide range of Christ-centered outreach efforts under the name of Lutheran Hour Ministries. The organization’s business and financial affairs are overseen by a Board of Directors consisting of a chair, vice chair, and 12 directors as part of its governance structure.

LCMS/LLL Auxiliary

Along with the Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML), the International Lutheran Laymen's League (Int'l LLL)/Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) is currently recognized as an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and Lutheran Church—Canada (LCC). The Church's auxiliary organizations extend the ministry and mission of the LCMS and LCC and play vital roles in helping them spread the Gospel message and win hearts for Christ.

    As a recognized auxiliary, the Int'l LLL/LHM:
  • Is national/international in scope and voluntary in membership and participation
  • Identifies itself with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod but is not a part of the Synod's constitutional structure
  • Operates with freedom and self-determination as a ministry and is independent of the LCMS in its organization and administration, in the establishment and evaluation of its own objectives, activities and programs, and in financial matters, while complying with the responsibilities outlined in the Synod's bylaws
  • Coordinates plans and programs with those of the LCMS through regular sharing and contact with representatives of those boards to which the Synod has assigned specific responsibilities (boards of the Synod will share with the auxiliaries in a similar manner)
  • Is classified by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) corporation
  • And has membership made up of persons who are baptized members of LCMS or LCC congregations or congregations of one of their partner church bodies

The Int'l LLL/LHM receives no direct financial support from the budget of either the LCMS or the LCC and relies on gifts from its generous donors. It is currently recognized with the Best in America designation by the Independent Charities of America, one of only 2,000 charities nationwide to receive this honor.

Change Their World. Change Yours. This changes everything.

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